heal yourself
Emotional benefits of a Vegan diet
I have been on a high protein diet for the past decade, but I would do a raw cleanse for 30 days about once a year.
I remember during a few of my cleanse, just looking at myself, my being, and feeling as if I felt like a different person.
I felt even, calm and peaceful.
In contrast, I had always been a sensitive and emotional person, so this was a different experience.
About 60 days ago, I started a raw food cleanse, and after thirty days, I remained plant-based eating, just adding cooked meals to my practice.
I have been feeling even, calm and peaceful in the way that I remember from during my raw food cleanse periods.
I have so far found three different articles that talk about the findings that show that, in general, vegans have a higher level of emotional well-being. There are far fewer depressions and anxiety amongst vegans.
I have not found scientific reasonings that stand out to me, other than one article pointing to Omega 6 in the meats that could be causing the emotional ups and downs.
My curiosity goes to the affect that slautering time may have on the animals.
While I am still looking for scientific reasons behind why I am feeling the calm I am, I can confidently say that I feel different in a profoundly positive way.
Does what we eat affect us?
I have been eating a high protein, low carb diet for almost ten years. That means I have been eating tons and tons of meat and dairy with very little fruit and vegetables.
I would do a raw cleanse about once a year then return to my high protein diet.
Almost two months ago, my best friend came to me and told me of the various physical ailments that he has been going through, and he had this feeling that he was not going to live too long.
He is my very best friend, and I did not want that to happen to him.
I offered to do a thirty-day raw food cleanse with him, and he agreed.
Within just two weeks, most of his pain in his ankle was gone. Soon after, that pain in his heart was gone too. I noticed how good his skin on his face began to look.
When we began the cleanse, he had been underweight for months. Now he is back to his average weight.
What is interesting is that I have lost almost 10 lbs and am continuing to lose more weight. I was overweight when we began the cleanse.
In addition to the improvement of physical health, I have personally noticed powerful emotional and spiritual learning.
I feel things that I had not before. I want to experience nature by doing challenging hiking experiences. I have never desired to do such things.
I have now begun to train so that I could do challenging trail runs. I feel more connected to nature and even to ideas about the environment in more profound ways than I had been feeling.
I am excited and inspired to learn more about optimal health for humans and the optimal health for our planet.