Deepen emotional learning about loneliness

After the eight weeks of building your daily healing and growing habits to tackle loneliness, you will have already experienced changes in yourself. 

You are noticing significant changes in some of the ways that you are reacting to situations. 

To deepen your healing and your growth, daily practice the following:

  1. Excellently care for yourself.

Excellently caring for yourself excludes feelings of guilt and obligation.  Commit to letting go of those feelings relating to caring for yourself first and foremost!

Simply care for yourself lovingly.

Let’s begin.

Lovingly practicing self-care requires being fully present with and for yourself. You are spending quality time with yourself during those moments that you are taking good care of yourself.  You are your best friend at that moment.  You are your person at that moment.

  1. Meditate at least once a day for 15 minutes (Ziva meditation).  This will take about 20 minutes when you add the before and after a routine.

What I adore about Ziva meditation is that there is no judgment.  She advocates for letting go of judgment about thinking. Just do your best.  

Read her book called “Stress Less, Accomplish More.”

Doing her meditation has helped me genuinely become much more productive throughout my workday.

And again, it is so easy.

  1. Continue Journal (same one from the eight weeks)

The chances are high that after eight weeks of purposeful journaling first thing in the morning, you will likely smoothly have been continuing to do so because of the benefit it has been producing. 

  1. Practice being in the now.

One of the most valuable things that I learned from Ekhart Tolle’s The Power of Now is the idea that in this very moment, everything is ok.

His words show that when we are worrying, we are in the past or the future.

Also, when we live in the future or the past, we miss out on the present moment.

We all know this, and yet, it is too easy a practice to be in: being anywhere but the present moment. 

We are always running after the future or running from the past.

By being fully present in the moments of now, we are our most loving, most creative, and most resourceful.

The truest of the truth is that we are the most powerful in the now.  We have the most incredible access to our best selves in the now.

  1. Listen to learn

If your experience with listening had been hostile as a child(abused verbally), you might have difficulty being fully in the moment to listen to other people expressing themselves.  

If you had not experienced being in the moments of now fully to observe and listen to all that is going on around you, you might not know-how.

We miss out on so much as we live away from the now.  We miss out on people around us, those who are important to us.  We also miss out on our power by missing out on the real alchemy of life.

  1. Daily practice focusing on what you have the power to control and let go of what you can’t control.

Learning how to do this will save you from worrying, ruminating, feeling anxious, anxiety, and the negative emotions that waste your time, energy, and personal power.

When you then use your energy, time, and power on what you can control, you become a person who makes things happen.

As you take your focus and put it on something that you have the power to affect and take actions, you are creating a movement that frees you from being stuck.

You have the power to control a lot of things. Frequently, when we are stuck, it is because we are focusing on what we cannot control. We then waste time spirling into worries and anxieties.

When we focus on things that we have the power to control and take actions(since we can) and see the fruit of our labor. It inspires us to take more steps.  We do more and become more empowered.

By following your eight weeks of learning and healing with the above six steps, you will grow deeper into healing, reaching for your full potential self.